Today, at 9am, it is our monthly more reflective service, led by Jessica. Jennie Fielding will share with us from God's word, and all are welcome to come and join with us - it is always a precious time.
Following that, at 10.30am, Anita will lead us through our special Harvest All-age Service, which is not to be missed. This includes an opportunity for us to bring food donations for those in need. This year, non-perishable items will be donated to Foodbank, and fresh items, or anything with a date of less than 6 months will be donated to the Community Fridge.
Also this morning from 10am, Sunday Fishes are meeting at Toftwood Village Hall. Please pray for the team and that this group will continue to flourish and grow.
Our joint Alpha Course with Wellspring starts this coming Tuesday evening, so please continue to think and pray about who you could invite. If you are at all interested in being part of the team running the course, then we have some training at Wellspring Family Church this evening at 7.30pm. All are welcome and coming along does not mean you are signing up to help, but is just an opportunity for you to see if this is something that is right for you to be involved in. We'd love to see you there.