I hope you enjoy these wonderful 'before and after' photos of the Ellenor Fenn garden, kindly sent by Ian Clarke. What a transformation! (see notice sheet) The church garden completion has been held up by a delay in timber delivery but that should be arriving soon. Tomorrow we have our Harvest services and at the early service, Lance Birks will be preaching on that theme. The 10.30am service is an All Age Worship led by Anita Clarke. The men's group will have their First Friday meeting on October 1. They are supporting different pubs in the town, so will be at The Cock in Norwich Street from 7.30pm. They don't serve food but takeaway food can be taken in, which can be organised when there. For more information please speak to Ian Clarke - ian.clarke@archant.co.uk or ring 07711 446055. The notice sheet includes a 'What's on this week' in church and can be found by CLICKING HERE If you missed the update last Sunday by Morgan Cockbill on the work of CAP and how you can get involved, the details can be found by CLICKING HERE Dates for your diary: Giving Day / Newcomers' Lunch 10th October Wedding of Matthew & Hazel in the service Sunday 24th October (come dressed for a wedding!) Saturday Evening Congregation Anniversary Saturday 30th October - bilingual service, all welcome Nigel's ordination / BBQ Sunday 31st October
There are sign up sheets in the back hall for the wedding and Nigel's ordination - please take a look!
Every blessing,