Tomorrow's service will be at 10.30am and will include Communion.
If you are unable to come, this service will also be livestreamed and the link is HERE
Prayer Week will start tomorrow 3rd July after the service, until 9th July. Please click here for more details. There are still some spare time slots; please contact me Monday - Friday 9-11.30 to sign up - or contact Green Pastures after 12.
Keith Mersh is giving a presentation on Love Dereham at the next aboutDereham (aD) meeting on 20 July 19.45 at DBC. He has been asked to give this presentation by the Chair of aD, which is the grouping of all churches and most secular organizations in our town, all of whom are seeking to bring the best out of and to Dereham. All are welcome to attend this meeting.
Pat Stone has a coffee morning in aid of Vision Norfolk for next Saturday, 9th July 10-12. Please let Pat know if you are willing to make a cake or to help at the event and please support this great cause by coming along for a cuppa!
There will be a basic First Aid (Life Support) Course run by St John Ambulance at church on Saturday, 10th September- this will be open to everyone so please put it in your calendar now.
English lessons (ESOL) will be starting again on Wednesdays from 13th July 5.30-7.30pm so if you know of anyone who could benefit from these lessons, please let them know.
This week's notice sheet can be found by clicking here