If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Jesus in John 8:31-32
In our service this morning at 10.30am, we will be continuing our series on sowing the seed of the gospel. This time, we will be focussing on our opportunity to sow Truth into Confusion. If you would like something to start you thinking before you come, then you could have a read of 1 Corinthians 2.
The first song we will be singing this morning is 'You've Already Won' which is a new song, so if you'd like to listen to it in advance, pleaseclick here.
As it's Fathers' Day, we are encouraging the children to come dressed as their Dads. Get raiding those cupboards kids!
We have another Open Garden event between 2pm and 4pm this afternoon, and this time it's at the home of Peter and Sheila Knowles
Then this evening at 7.30pm, we are meeting online to pray for the work of our Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre. If you would like to join us, then please just CLICK THIS LINK this evening. If you are unable to join us online, then please do pray whenever you are able to, using the prayer points which can be accessed byCLICKING HERE.
Finally, Richard Cracknell and I have put together some focussed prayer topics for the coming week, and you can access those byCLICKING HERE.Thank you for your prayers.
Much love from me,