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Sunday 1st August

Hi all, Apologies that we have been having a few problems with our email system. I am hoping this one works - otherwise we will hopefully find another way of getting it to you. If not, then you won't be reading this anyway! We again have no link for you today, as we are not livestreaming through August - partly to give our team a break, but also to encourage you to come and join us in the building. Today, we are continuing our series through Mark's gospel, as we take a look at chapter 3. If you haven't yet, you might like to read it through before you come. If you aren't able to make it, we are hoping to record the message, so you should be able to access that through our website. Speaking of which, have you visited our fabulous new website yet? If not, then you can CLICK HERE to have a look. Many thinks to Chris Newby, who designed and created it for us free of charge. Also, we do have children's work available this morning, which will be led by Ian Gardner. I'll be leading it next week, so if you'd like to help me as part of the team, please do let me know. There is no Mission Prayer meeting this evening, as that has been moved back to next Sunday. However, we do have our regular Prayer and Prophecy meeting on Zoom on Wednesday evening, to which all are welcome. Please look out for the link in Tuesday's email. Finally, thank you for your prayers for my sciatica. I was far better yesterday than I thought I might be, and was able to lead the special services for Allan Dobson without too much pain. It was such a privilege to lead those services - Allan was truly a remarkable man who leaves a lasting impact on many, many lives. The family have provided a book for you to share your memories of Allan, and this will be available in church this morning for you to write in. If you are not able to come and want to add to the book, then please do let us know. And please do pray for Heather and the family as they continue to mourn his loss. Much love, Nigel


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