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Sunday 24th October - Wedding Day!

I'm excited to remind you that our All-Age service at 10.30 this morning is the wedding of Matthew Jameson and Hazel Nikolov. You are all invited to attend, and as part of the celebration, you might want to come dressed in your best! (You never know, I might even dig the suit out!) Following the service, there will be 'Afternoon Tea' type refreshments available, so please do stay and join us as we celebrate with them.

Before all that, from 9-9.45am, Jessica will be leading us in our more reflective early service, at which Thiago Hernandez will be preaching. Thiago has been very involved in the Portuguese congregation and, having completed training at Spurgeons College, he will regularly be joining us on Sunday mornings as part of his journey towards Baptist Accreditation. Please do give him a warm welcome! Due to the preparations for the wedding, there will be no refreshments following that service, but, of course, all those who attend are welcome to remain at church for the wedding itself.

You will most likely be aware of the current increase in COVID cases in the UK. We are monitoring this and are ready to respond appropriately to guidelines and advice coming from the Government. In the meantime, let's continue to be sensitive towards one another as we endeavour to keep each other safe. For example, you might want to come to church in your mask, and take it off once you are sat down. Please also be aware that some might want to keep themselves at a safe distance from others.

This coming week, I am very blessed to be able to have the opportunity for a time of retreat. Dave and I have been aiming to set aside regular time (an hour a week, a day a month and a week a year) to individually engage closely with God, in order to create fresh opportunities for him to feed us and refresh us for the roles he has called us to. We are very blessed to have a Leadership Team who are encouraging us in this, and allowing us to take the time to do it. Thank you.



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