In this morning's service, we continue our journey through prayer as Jessica preaches on Repentance. The service will include Communion and will also be livestreamed. Please CLICK HERE for the link.
Immediately after the service, at noon, our Prayer Week will begin. As I write this, we only have two of today's slots filled, which is really rather disappointing. It is vital that we have a bedrock of prayer behind everything we are and everything we do, so can I please encourage you to stir yourself and get involved in this really important and precious opportunity. The slots available today are: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 9pm & 10pm. We'd love to get as many of these filled as possible, so please take a moment before you come to think about whether and which one you could sign up for this morning.
Also today, at 5.30pm, we have our Mission Prayer meeting, which takes place at DBC. There is a lovely little group that gather to pray each month, but we long to see it grow and so we'd love you to come along and join us in prayer for our mission partners around the world.