Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. Psalm 146:5
Hi again everyone,
It’s Sunday again! Another day to worship our God together; to listen to his voice; to renew our commitment to follow Jesus; to love in serve him in all we do.
This weekend we are having our Open Gardens event. where we have the opportunity to gather outside with one another in small groups, to enjoy face-to-face fellowship again. I hope you have been able to catch up with some people, or are doing so later today. If not, then perhaps you could be thinking about how you can take advantage of the recent change in regulations to meet up with others from our church.
Today, we are continuing together with our journey through Psalm 146, as we focus in on who God is and what he is up to in his world. We are delighted to have quite a few people joining us in the building today: 2 Ians – Ian Gardner, one of our elders, and Ian Clarke, one of our deacons; 3 of our worship team – Anita, Keziah and Gary; as well, of course, as the ever-present Mark! You can engage with today’s service by CLICKING HERE. I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful.
Today is the third Sunday of the month, which is when we gather with Morgan Cockbill to pray for our Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre. We’d love to see you there – just click on the link in the box below. If you are unable to join us this time, then please do set some time aside to pray through the prayer points for this life-changing ministry. Thank you.
Finally, please do take note of the box further down this email containing our corporate prayer topics for the coming week, which are focussed on the various facets of the cross. Perhaps you could take some time each day to pray and ponder on the significance of each of these truths.
Prayer Points week beginning 19th April 2021
This week we concentrate on the paradox about the Cross. Can we suggest we concentrate on one picture a day, and contemplate how each affects us personally, our fellowship and the wider community.
The Cross is:-
A picture of violence, yet key to peace.
A picture of suffering yet key to healing,
A picture of death yet the key to life.
A picture of utter weakness yet the key to power
A picture of capital punishment yet the key to mercy and forgiveness.
A picture of vicious hatred yet the key to love.
A picture of supreme shame yet the Christian’s supreme boast.
God Bless,
Prayer Team