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For regular giving, set up a Standing Order with your bank - we can give you a form or details of our Bank account.


Giving by cash/cheque  in the Offering Box, which is in the vestibule before the services.


By Bank Transfer for irregular giving, for which again we can give bank details.

Gift Aid is a scheme which allows us to claim from HMRC, the basic rate of tax you have paid. Gift aid increases your donation by 25%, so it means even more money goes to the church and it’s causes and it won’t cost you anything.

Please gift aid your giving to the church if possible; you will find a form in the ‘downloads’ section under ‘various downloads’


Thinking of leaving a legacy to the church in your Will? Leaving a legacy to a church is a great way to make an ongoing impact 


If  you wish for further clarification, then please chat with Ian Gardner, Christine Dove, any of the Leadership, or email

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