Sue and Ian Gardner will be leading tomorrow's 9am service. The theme is on "God's favour", and to help get you thinking about it, they have prepared a quiz for you to do before the service - so come early to give yourselves time to do it! The teaching will be from Ezra 7, so why not take time to read through that chapter before you come.
This service will be followed by our All Age Worship at 10.30am, led by Anita Clarke.
Prayer Week - 6th-12th March
The sign up sheet for this will be in Green Pastures during the week and at church from Friday morning through to Monday morning. Please click here for more information
Letton Hall have a Spring Break coming up 25th - 28th April Click here for the leaflet
At the next Church Meeting (AGM) for members on 29th March there will be leadership elections - any nominations to Frances before 6th March please. Nomination forms can be collected from the church office or from Frances.
The notice sheet can be found by clicking here
Every blessing,
Of Interest:
Age UK Norfolk – Digital Inclusion Service
Since the onset of coronavirus, many of us have increasingly turned to digital technology to help bridge the gap that the lack of face-to-face connections created. The role of the internet has become even more important, and for some people this has changed the way they work, access services, maintain social contacts, and generally live their lives. In response to the impact of Covid-19 on people over 50 across Norfolk, Age UK Norfolk set up our own Digital Inclusion initiative. Our 'Let's Get Digital' project is part of this initiative and is a service for anyone over 50 who would like to learn how to use their device and get better connected. We can help people do things like, to get online, to order food shopping, to make a video call, to send an email etc. We can lend a device for up to 12 weeks if needed as well.
During this time, we also launched a new website, engAge, which is a dedicated one-stop shop for later life activities and resources across Norfolk, sharing the latest in remote opportunities and more recently, face to face.
Digital Inclusion support in Dereham - Age Uk Norfolk Furniture and More: 31 Yaxham Road, NR19 1HD
22nd Feb 10-4
22nd March 10-4
19th April 10-4
Christians who want to make a difference in the lives of our children
Dereham Church Infant and Nursery School is looking for volunteers to help us uphold and promote the Christian values and way of life that make our school so very distinctive. This is a perfect opportunity for members of this church to reach out into our community.
Being a governor is a responsibility, BUT the responsibility is taken by the Governing Body as a whole – not by individuals. We are not an academy, or part of a federation, so the governing body has full control of the school.
The role of governor is a commitment in terms of time. You would be expected to attend 2 meetings each term, to visit the school and also to do some training.
Governors don't need any qualifications. What is needed is a keen mind, an ability to ask challenging questions and a passion for Jesus!
DCINS was one of the first schools in Norfolk to achieve an Excellent judgement by SIAMS. The report recognised the dedication and passionate leadership of our inspirational headteacher who models Christian servant leadership and is wholeheartedly supported by the staff and the entire school community.
Governors must be computer literate and be confident using the internet because we communicate by email and we file and share documents on a dedicated online forum, plus most of our meetings and training session are currently held via Zoom or similar.
To find out more, please contact me by email at or by phoning the school office on 01362 692727 and leaving a message for me.
Tricia Waller
Chair of Governors