This morning we will be gathering at the church 9am to sort out the metal containers and paint the new woodwork. Everyone is welcome and there will be bacon butties! If you have a paint brush suitable for painting the fence, please bring it along as the previous ones seem to have gone missing.
Tomorrow there is a change to the usual Families Service in that it will start at 9.30am at 49 Middlemarch Road (Dave & Beckie's) and follow an Easter Trail.
The service at church will start at 10.30am and does not include activities for youth and children. There will be refreshments before the service this week and every second Sunday going forward.
If you missed the emails about the 6.30pm Maundy Thursday service, if you wish to attend, please sign up by clicking here so that numbers can be counted for catering for the simple supper. Alternatively, ring or email me in the office.
The notice sheet for next week can be accessed by clicking here and includes the times of the Easter Services. There are also flyers available that you can give to your friends to invite them along!
As previously advertised, there is a training day for those working with youth and children to be held at Northgate High School on 30th April. Please click here for the details.
This is also the day for those attending Fire Warden Training at the church.
The notes from the Mission prayer evening can be accessed by clicking here Blessings, Julie