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Saturday's News (from Julie)

It was brought to my attention that some of you would like to get into 'My Churchsuite' to see your rotas or the address book, but have forgotten how - so I thought I'd write a little reminder: If you have never made a password to get into My Churchsuite, please let me know and I can send you a link to sign up. If you have signed up in the past and are just wondering how to get to the right site, then the easiest way is to go to our website and click on the heading 'My Churchsuite' where you can log in with your password. Any problems, please let me know. Henry the Vacuum Cleaner has gone back into the cleaning cupboard near the ladies toilets. We have to keep this cupboard locked under the COSHH rules as it contains cleaning fluid, so if you need anything from the cupboard, the key for the padlock is in the kitchen near the first aid box (on a hook). The new dust bags for Henry are also in the cupboard. The coming week's notice sheet can be found by CLICKING HERE Dates for your diary: Giving Day / Newcomers' Lunch 10th October Wedding of Matthew & Hazel in the service Sunday 24th October (come dressed for a wedding!) Saturday Evening Congregation Anniversary Saturday 30th October - bilingual service, all welcome Nigel's ordination / BBQ Sunday 31st October

There are sign up sheets in the back hall for the wedding and Nigel's ordination - If anyone would be able to offer any help for the upcoming Wedding of Hazel and Matthew or Nigel's Ordination lunch please have a look at the sign up sheets in the hall on the 'What's happening' board. The hospitality team would be so grateful for any help offered. These are two lovely celebrations to look forward to!

Every blessing,



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