Tomorrow it is the World Mission Sunday service at 10.30am. It will be a wonderful time where we will get to know more about our Mission Partners and to pray for them.
At 6pm the Dereham Churches Together 'Prayer & Fellowship' service will be held at The Salvation Army, St Nicholas Street. These are special opportunities to meet with and pray with other Christians in the town so please attend if you can.
Monday 31st October there will be a 'Light Party' in the church for infant & junior age children (parents welcome) 5-7pm. There are now some lovely invitations at church (and in Green Pastures) to give out and which have QR code to take you straight to the booking in form. The Money Course has been cancelled due to lack of participants. The notice sheet for the week can be found by CLICKING HERE PLEASE read it, and if you would prefer a paper copy, some are available on Sunday upstairs and downstairs (just ask the Stewards) and throughout the following week in the annexe lobby. It can also be found in the 'downloads' section of our website. Blessings, Julie