Tomorrow is 'Giving Sunday' and the service at 10.30am will include Communion.
At 5.30pm we have our 'Prayer for Mission Partners'.
'Giving Sunday' gives us the opportunity to review our Time, Talents and Treasure.
Time and Talents:
The following groups would be very grateful for your time: Oasis, Community Fridge, Stewards (Sundays), Youth & Children, Refreshments team (Sundays), Sound Desk & Audio Visual desk, Potential Mums and Tots group, team to put out and put away chairs and tables, assisting Tim with the weekly cleaning schedule. Please let me know if you could get involved with anything on this list.
If you would like to give regularly to the work of the church, the bank details are as follows:
Dereham Baptist Church Sort Code 20-28-20 60322377 Alternatively there is a box in the vestibule before the start of the service on Sundays. The notice sheet for the week can be found by CLICKING HERE Message from Ian Gardner: If you were not able to pick up the Prayer Card for your selected Mission Partner last Sunday, these are now available on the World Mission Notice board (by the kitchen). Also, if you wish to receive prayer updates on your Mission Partner, please remember to confirm this via Julie in the Church Office. Blessings, Julie