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Sunday 27th February 2022

I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.

Psalm 17:6-7

The above verses remind us, this morning, that our God is the God who hears and answers our prayers. And he is the God who saves. As we call on him for the people of Ukraine, let us put all our confidence in Him. There is hope for all who call on his name.

We have two services today, neither of which will be livestreamed. At 9am, it is our monthly reflective service, which this morning is led by Ian and Sue Gardner. Following that is our all-age service, led by Anita Clarke. Two quite different services, but both offering you the same opportunity: to gather with others to glorify God in worship, and engage with him through his word. Don't miss out!

The prayer topics for next week from Richard Cracknell can be accessed byclicking here.Thank you for your prayers.

Speaking of prayer, our prayer week will begin on Sunday March 6th and will take place in the room behind the Green Pastures Community Hub, which is being transformed into a special prayer space. The info you need will be available at church this morning and you can alsoclick here.The sign-up sheet will also be there. Don't miss out on this fabulous opportunity to set aside some special time to be alone with the Lord.

Much love,



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