I hope this email finds you well.
Due to being a bit stuck at home because of my back I've managed to do a video for you all today. It carries on our theme of 'prayer' looking at some steps to hear God's voice in prayer which Beckie and I got taught when we were with YWAM in Brazil. Maybe you too will find them helpful. To watch the message, please CLICK HERE
The Eastern Baptist Association Prayer Focus is on North Springfield Baptist Church in Chelmsford. Please click here for the prayer points.
Our next Prayer Week is Sunday 3rd - Saturday 9th July. The sign up sheet will be in Green Pastures during the week and at church from Friday - Sunday. Please click here for information.
There is still time to join the Money Course (online)! Contact Morgan on 07514 488100 or email her on morgancockbill@capuk.orgif you are interested.
Love and Blessings,