Just in case you missed previous emails, the Thanksgiving service for Philip Parfitt will be Tuesday, 30th January at 2.30pm at DBC.
.Message from the leadership Prayer & Prophecy sub-team:The prayer and prophecy team are organising a meeting at church on the 7th February at 7pm to discuss how we can progress with prayer meetings. If you are interested in being part of this or have any ideas or suggestions please come and join us.
The prayer focus from the Eastern Baptist Association is on Maldon Baptist Church, Essex. Please click here for the prayer points
Dave's sermon can be viewed by clicking here The audio version of the sermon is also on the telephone line 01362 709389, and on the website under downloads. The telephone line is not well used, so we may be discontinuing this.
Ladies Bollywood Dance EveningJoin us for a fun dance evening on Friday 26th January 2024 at Wellspring Family Church, 35 Neatherd Road, Dereham NR19 2AE 7pm to 9pmLearn a fun Bollywood dance routine, costumes and bindi's provided.Please book by TODAY by emailing Tina: tinavallance@aol.com
Winning Men for Christ - an evening with Nathan Blackaby (Christian Vision for Men's CEO) at The Railway Tavern on Friday, 26th January 7pm.
First Aid Refresher session by St John Ambulance on Saturday, 10th February starting at 10am. Please sign up by clicking on this link
The next World Day of Prayer is Friday 1st March and this year the service will be at Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 2pm.
Please share your requests for prayer to prayer@derehambaptist.org and, other than for emergencies, we will share them in this regular email.