I hope you received the email yesterday about the 'Secret Suppers' - just a couple more days to put your name down! Please let me know as soon as possible.
TONIGHT is the prayer meeting 'For Dereham and Beyond' when the particular focus will be to pray for our nation given the events of the past week. Please join us 7-8pm at the church.
DID YOU KNOW ??? that DBC supports Christian work in a European post-communist country which for many years blocked the spread of the gospel. Our partnership church has grown and has become fully established in its gospel witness to its surrounding area..
.. join us for WORLD MISSION SUNDAY on 30th October to hear more.
The Eastern Baptist Association prayer focus this week is on Salem Baptist Church in Romford. Please CLICK HERE for the prayer points.
The Dereham Churches Together Prayer & Fellowship service will be at the Salvation Army, St Nicholas' Street at 6pm on Sunday 30th October, all welcome.
'Light Party' for infant and junior age children (families welcome) 31st October 5-7pm. Please let me know if you're willing to help set up/clear up for this. There are some lovely invitations at church and in Green Pastures.
Morgan will be running another Money Course on 1st, 15th & 22nd November. To book your place, email Morgan on morgancockbill@capuk.org or ring 07514 488100
Dereham lights switch-on
DBC is going to be involved in the big town event on Sunday November 27 - and we need your help.
We're having a nativity photo booth in the Market Place which is a great chance to talk to families, have some fun and share about Jesus.
We need people to set up, man the stall during the afternoon and then dismantle at the end.
If you can help please sign up on Churchsuite CLICK HERE or one of the sheets in the back hall at church or by contacting Ian Clarke (07711 446055/ian.clarke@archant.co.uk) or Julie in the church office.
Also, we need some volunteers for a few minutes from 10am this Saturday (October 29) to put the marquees up in the back garden to check they are ok. If you can help please contact Ian.
Every blessing,