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News from the Office

Good morning church,

This week's notice sheet contains information about the Thanksgiving service for the life of Allan Dobson and how to donate in his memory.

It also gives some information about the Men's Group which is starting up again on August 6th.Click here to access the notice sheet.

The service tomorrow will not be livestreamed, and there is no need to book in. We are continuing to do what we can to ensure that our church building is a safe environment for you. If you want to watch our video of what that will look like in practice, then please PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Some of you will prefer to wear masks and some will not - please continue to be sensitive to those around you.

Tomorrow afternoon you are invited to another open garden 2-4pm, which this time is the garden of Dave and Beckie Ward, 49 Middlemarch Road, Toftwood.

I didn't have any response to my appeal for more people to act as Stewards so I'm appealing again! It's a lovely way that you can bless others and get to know people better. If you missed the recent fire training, don't let this put you off; Fraser or I can run you though the important points and you will be given a handy leaflet too. The Fire Evacuation documentis attached here if you would like to read it.

Thank you to the previous Stewards who have kindly agreed to continue in this role and if you haven't responded to the email (sent to previous Stewards), I will assume that I can include you on the rota unless I hear differently.

Every blessing,


Pat Stone is having a coffee morning at the church on Saturday, 18th September 10-12 in aid of Cancer Research. If you have any items suitable for the Tombola - tins, toiletries, etc (no alcohol) please bring them to the church office.


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