Hosanna to the Son of David!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest heaven!
Matthew 21:9
This morning we have a very special Easter trail for families. The trail will lead you through the story of Easter from Palm Sunday to Easter Day, but don't worry, it won't take a week! On arrival, you'll be given a map and a tick sheet, and then you get to explore Toftwood to find the different locations, which will each have an activity or challenge for you. You don't need to bring anything, but please come dressed appropriately for a walk. If you would like to take part, then please meet at 9.30am at the home of Dave and Beckie, which is at 49 Middlemarch Road in Toftwood (NR19 1EL). The trail will finish back at their house for drinks, craft activities and games and it all should be completed by 11am. Have fun!
For the rest of us, we have our Palm Sunday service at 10.30am. Jessica is preaching and Anita is leading worship, so don't miss this opportunity to gather together and give our praise to Jesus, the one who comes to us in the name of the Lord. All are welcome, but please note that there will be no youth and children's work. Refreshments will be available following the service.
We have a number of events and services that you can engage with during during Easter weekend, and all the details you need are in the Notice Sheet, which was in yesterday's email from Julie. If you want to attend the Maundy Thursday event, which includes a simple supper, then you do need to sign up in advance, and you can do that by clicking here. Alternatively, please ring or email Julie in the office.
The prayer topics for the coming week can be found byclicking here.Many thanks again to Richard Cracknell for putting these together for us.
Finally, the notes from last Sunday's Mission Prayer were incomplete in yesterday's email, you can access the full notes byclicking here.Please do pray for our overseas mission partners, they are in great need of our support.