Hello everyone
It’s the first Sunday in May, and we’re so pleased to be able to welcome people back into our building for today’s service at 10.30am, which will also be livestreamed to those who haven’t signed up. We are focussing on the next description of what God does from Psalm 146 – he sets prisoners free. What does that look like? How does he do it? What role does he invite us to play? If you’re not coming along today, then PLEASE CLICK HERE to engage with the service on the DBC YouTube channel.
Please note that as we are now having in-person services, we have suspended our Zoom Coffee and Chat for the time being.
Today’s service includes communion, so if you’re watching from home, you might want to prepare some bread and wine in advance. We have small sealed elements for all those attending in person. If you haven’t been able to sign up for today, then we are having smaller services each Sunday through May that you can come along to. We will only have people downstairs for these and you can sign up for next Sunday by clicking on the link in the blue box below. We will continue to livestream these services each week.
In the coming week, we again have the opportunity to join with one another in focussed prayer through our daily prayer topics, which Richard Cracknell has kindly put together for us. As you can see in the darker box further down this email, we are using this week to specifically pray for freedom to come to those who are not able to experience it at the moment. Perhaps you would join us in prayer for a few minutes each day.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1