I am now on holiday for a week so the office will be closed. Frances will have the office mobile (07749542059) between 10-12 Monday-Friday and urgent prayer requests will still be sent out if you send them to prayer@derehambaptist.org
There will also be no notice sheet on 12th September but please find the one for this week BY CLICKING HERE
Yesterday Keith & Lyn made the difficult decision not to start CRIB until the new year - so please ignore this in the notice sheet. The Prayer and Prophecy meeting will be held at church on Wednesday, 8th September 7-8pm. It really is a joy and I would encourage anyone who hasn't been part of this to give it a try. You don't need to be skilled at praying out loud, just with a willing heart to meet with God and talk to Him along with brothers and sisters in Christ. Julie Here is a copy of the Fire Evacuation Plan We will be having a fire drill in the next few weeks.