Tomorrow we have a service at 10.30am which will include Communion.
Gluten-free bread and non-alcoholic wine elements are used. At 5.30pm we will be meeting to pray for our Mission Partners.
The notice sheet can be found by clicking here and includes the invitation...Ladies, do you fancy some fun, food and fellowship?You are invited to a Pancake Party at Dereham Baptist Church on Tuesday 13th February at 6.30pm. Bring along the topping of your choice if you'd like to.Book in via Churchsuite by clicking on this link or Julie in the Church Office ( by Friday 9th February.
Update from Tina, Roy Searle's PA:It was good news from Roy's consultant this week - no trace of cancer and no medication required. He will be kept on 3 monthly reviews and he has been encouraged to get back gently to playing the several sports he enjoys, which he is delighted to hear. Giving thanks to God for his overshadowing care, the support of his wonderful wife Shirley and their lovely family, his many friends, associates and colleagues, prayer accompaniers and all of you who have expressed concern and who have committed to pray.Reminder of the request (for the February All Age service) for gravy granule, pringles (or similar) cardboard pots. As soon as possible to Pat and Mike please.
Please send your requests for prayer to and, other than for emergencies, we will share them in this regular email.