I am on annual leave for a day on Tuesday - a day out in Sheringham with friends! I'm looking forward to it very much. Prayer requests will still be picked up and communicated if sent to prayer@derehambaptist.org
The details of services in September can be found by CLICKING HERE You will notice that Roy Searle will be preaching on 5th September - it will be good to see and hear him in person!
The service list is also in the notice sheet - in case you print yours out at home - which can be found by CLICKING HERE . Going forward I will continue to send out the notice sheet by email and it can also be found under 'downloads' on the website. A few will still be printed for stewards to give out to new people to the church on Sundays and for those without internet access who have asked to receive a copy.
Training in emergency fire evacuation was completed by stewards and leadership last month and we will be testing this one Sunday in August by doing a fire drill. The training will be repeated annually so if you missed out this time there will be other opportunities to do this. In the meantime CLICK HERE for the DBC Fire Procedure (copies also on the notice board in the back hall and in the annexe). This will be available in audio form soon, and if this is something you would benefit from, please let me know.
There is still time to put your name down to come to church for the 'Working Party' on Saturday, 21st August. It will begin at 9am and last until lunchtime and it would be great to get all the jobs done. Not all the jobs that need doing are physically demanding.
Every blessing,