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Sunday, 10th December 2023

I was speaking to one of the mums at Little Fishes on Wednesday who works in retail and she said that they had begun gearing up for Christmas in August in the shop she works in!! Yet, when pondering on that, I was reminded that we worship the Living God who had been planning it from before the beginning. 

Psalm 139:16 says, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

This is about you and me...but it is also about Christ. God's plans are perfect, his ways are just (see Deut 32:4) and we are heading towards the time when we celebrate the moment when light came into the darkness.

Today, at DBC we have a 9am Families Service - Christmas edition. Then at 10am at Toftwood Village Hall we have the Fishes Sunday BIG Nativity. Meanwhile, in the DBC building at 10.30am, we have our 2nd-Sunday-in-Advent service. There will be no childrens or youth provision during that service. Keith will be preaching.

Next Sunday evening we have our Candlelit Carol Service (6pm). This is a great opportunity to invite friends, family and work colleagues along to hear the story of Jesus coming to be with us. There will be refreshments provided too.

Please do continue to hold Nigel and Elaine in your prayers - See Friday's email from Nigel.

Love and Blessings,



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