Lance has some great verses to preach on this morning at our 10.30 service:
They will rebuild the ancient ruins
and restore the places long devastated;
they will renew the ruined cities
that have been devastated for generations.
5 Strangers will shepherd your flocks;
foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.
6 And you will be called priests of the Lord,
you will be named ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth of nations,
and in their riches you will boast. Isaiah 61:4-6
Again, I would encourage you to talk about these outside of a Sunday morning with others, asking questions of the passage about how it reveals God's character and how he works. There will be youth and children's provision during the service.
Please also remember Fishes Sunday going on at Toftwood Village Hall 10-12.
On Tues 20th February we are having February Family Fun at church. This is run in partnership with Love Dereham and Kidz Klub. We could do with some help (probably 2 or 3 people) to serve refreshments (drinks / biscuits) during that time. Please chat to or email Dave if you think you can help. Thank you.
More information about it as well as booking info can be found HERE
Love and Blessings,