Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
Luke 6:36
The verse above is a clue about the subject we are going to be focussing on at our 10.30am service at DBC this morning - Sowing Mercy into Guilt & Shame. It is a continuation of our series where we are considering how we can sow key gospel truths into the lives of those around us who don't yet know Jesus in order to help them on their journey towards him. We'll be looking at God's mercy towards us as well as our call to be merciful towards others. I'll be preaching and Jessica will be leading worship, and we'd love to see you there. If you would like to read something in advance of the service to start you thinking, then you could have a look at Luke 6:27-36.
Before that service, and also in our building, it is our 9am Family Service, which Tim Bash is leading. Please do come as a family to engage with one another as we consider another name of God - Jehovah Shalom. Before you come, you could perhaps try and find out what this means.
Also this morning, from 10am, it's Fishes Sunday at Toftwood Village Hall. This work is growing and becoming more fruitful, so please do pray for God to continue to impact the lives of all those who come along. Also, I just want to thank all of you who help to make this happen each fortnight.
Much love,