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Sunday 22nd January 2023

Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6

Good morning! This morning is a busy one! From 10am, Dave and the team will be running Fishes Sunday at Toftwood Village Hall. This work is really developing and growing, with new unchurched people turning up most weeks. Please pray that God will continue to work through this exciting ministry.

Meanwhile, in our church building, we have two services this morning. Our early service is at 9am, and this will be led by Graham and Helen Neale. I will be preaching on the Parable of the Sower and considering what it might have to say to us at DBC today. You are all very welcome to come and join us. Then, at 10.30am, it is our all-age extravaganza! (This might be a slight exaggeration given that I'm leading it!) We will be thinking about what it might mean for us to sew seed into the lives of those who don't yet know and follow Jesus.

If you are a member of DBC, please can I encourage you to join us for our Church Meeting which will follow the morning service at 12.30pm. Please do bring some lunch with you as we will not be finished until around 2pm. The wonderful Matt and Elaine are coming along to spend time with our children and young peopke while the meeting is happening, and this should hopefully enable more parents to attend. We are going to have more opportunity for engagement at the meeting, and will be seeking God about some of our key decisions by listening to him through one another in smaller groups. This is a bit of a trial to help us decide how we take our meetings forward, so please do come along to offer your thoughts and suggestions. Don't forget to read the Leadership sub-team reports before you come. If you are not a member and would like to consider it, then please do come and speak to one of the leaders.

Thanks all - see you tomorrow!

Much love,



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