Dear Julie & Derek,
Imagine being on the cusp of something amazing but not realising it. I wonder if there was any anticipation growing in the heavenly host or in the minds of prophets in the lead up to the birth of Christ. John 1:5 says, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Today we have our 9am Early service followed by the 10.30 All-age at DBC, and at 10am we have Fishes Sunday at Toftwood Village Hall.
This afternoon we have the town light switch-on, where there are 3 of the town's churches who have stalls, including our Nativity Booth. What a great opportunity to chat about the focus of Christmas and shine the Light of Christ in our town. At 4pm in the market place, the Salvation Army band will be leading the town in singing carols so if you are around then, please raise a hearty tune to encourage those around you to join in.
May God richly bless you this day,
Much love,