I am looking forward to Spring - there are a few hints of it, but Spring itself is not here yet. As we look towards Easter during this time of Lent we can read of some hints that Jesus gave to those around him about what was to come, yet they often did not understand (see John 2:18-22, for example) One day Jesus will return and, according to scripture, there will be signs of his return...and even if we do not understand these signs he will come back anyway.
It is the first Sunday of the month! This means we will be meeting together at 10.30 and have youth and children's provision too. Also, we will be able to share communion together.
Instead of repeating a number of notices, I would encourage you to read yesterday's email which contains a lot of information including this weeks' notice sheet and lent readings as well as an exciting update about the church boiler appeal.
This evening from 5.30 we will be praying for those who we partner with in global mission. Do come along if you're able.
Nigel is back in his office from Tomorrow.
Love and Blessings,