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Wednesday 15th November 2023

Psalm 9:1 says: I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. A very similar refrain is repeated throughout Psalm 107, about telling of the Lord's wonderful deeds - what he has done for you and I. This Sunday we have the opportunity to share with one another the good things that God has done in our lives. Giving testimony is powerful. It brings glory to God for what he has done and is doing, it builds faith as we hear of the Mighty God at work in ordinary people like us and it is something which brings victory over Satan (See revelation 12:11). Do you have something to share? It can be very simple and short or something a bit longer with more detail. There is no planned sermon for Sunday as we would like to give as much opportunity for people to share as we can. So, please have a think and a pray about what you can say.

The prayer focus from the Eastern Baptist Association is on Quay Church based in Woodbridge. Please click here for the prayer points The sermon from Keith Mersh can be found by clicking here Helpers are required for the Nativity Photo Booth at the Town Christmas Lights event on 26th November! Please sign up on the form in the back hall or via Churchsuite by clicking here The Toy Service will be 26th November in the morning - please bring in new toys, which will be taken and distributed by The Salvation Army.

Reminder of the message from Lyn Milns: Christmas Poinsettia- In Memory Remembering loved ones at Christmas.

We invite the Church and Friends to remember and honour their lost loved ones by purchasing a Christmas Poinsettia that will be used to decorate the church during the Christmas Season. Anyone interested in remembering or honouring a loved one at Christmas with a memorial gift of a poinsettia may place the person's name to be remembered on a label with the plant. The plant will be available for you to take home after Christmas. The plants will be needed by 24th November as the Church will be decorated for Christmas that afternoon. The shape of the poinsettia flower is thought to symbolise the Star of Bethlehem, with the red leaves of the poinsettia symbolising the blood of Christ. Don't forget to let me know ( know if you'd like to attend the Ladies Christmas Social on Tuesday 5th December or Matt ( if you'd like to attend the Men's Christmas Social on Wednesday 6th December. Please send your requests for prayer to and, other than for emergencies, we will share them in this regular email. Blessings, Julie


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