If you missed Dave preaching on Sunday and would like to hear the sermon, it can be found on our website (www.derehambaptist.org) under 'downloads' or on the phone line 01362 709389.
The prayer focus from the Eastern Baptist Association is on South Woodham Evangelical Church which is located on the banks of the River Crouch in Essex. Please click here for the prayer points.
The Town Council have asked if we are able to provide a craft tent with craft activities for the children on Fleece Meadow on the day of the Coronation whilst the Coronation service is being shown on the big screen. If anyone feels they could lead, organise and run this, please let me know. Please remember that the AV work started yesterday so there are no groups meeting during the day in the church or back hall this week or next.
If anyone knows of any accommodation to rent in Dereham or nearby, please let me know. There are some lovely Ukrainian families desperately looking for homes of their own.
Blessings, Julie