If you missed the service on Sunday and would like to see it, please CLICK HERE.
If you would like to listen to Nigel's sermon only, CLICK HERE. The sermon is also on the local telephone line 01362 709389 if you know someone without access to the internet who would like to listen to it.
Tonight is our 'Prayer & Prophecy meeting via Zoom CLICK HERE for the link. All welcome.
The Eastern Baptist Association Prayer Focus this week is for Hawkwell Baptist Church in Essex and the prayer points can be found by CLICKING HERE
The men's group won't meet on the first Friday in December but are having a Christmas meal at The Bull on Wednesday December 15.
Two courses £15.95/three courses £20.95 (£5 deposit needed).
We need to book soon and places are limited.
If you're interested please email ian.clarke@archant.co.uk or ring/text 07711 446055. Any monetary donations towards hampers for those in need at Christmas can be left with me in the office.
Every blessing, Julie