Happy New Year! I pray that your 2022 will be fruitful and full of hope.
This morning's 10.30am service will be led by Jessica and will include activities for children. Communion will be celebrated in both of next week's services.
The new notice sheet can be found by CLICKING HERE. Thank you to Julie for her always excellent work on this.
If you would like to contribute to the collection of funds for the Marsh family, then the Just Giving page can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. If you would rather give in person, then please bring your donation to church in a marked envelope, or drop it into the office in the coming week.
Richard Cracknell has put together some fresh prayer topics for us to pray through this week, and you can find them by CLICKING HERE. Thank you for your prayers.
Finally, in the coming week you will be receiving an email inviting you to complete a 'Happy to be Asked' form. Please prayerfully consider which of the different areas you would be willing to offer your time and gifts to serve and bless DBC. Thank you.