There will be a service tomorrow at 10.30am which will be led by Keziah and where Jessica will be preaching. The service will include Communion.
Upcoming Events - dates for your diary:
13th December - Community Christmas Lunch; free tickets are ALL GONE!
15th - 17th December - Christmas Wreath Festival
For this we would like to do 'giveaway bags' like we did for the Queen's Jubilee but will require a small team of people to pack these - please let me know as soon as possible if you're able to help.
17th December - Event in Ellenor Fenn Garden - DBC providing refreshments
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered - we now have two teams willing to set up or clear up and serve refreshments 10-1
11th December - Sunday Fishes Big Nativity at Toftwood
18th December - All Age Christmas Celebration 10.30am (please dress up in Nativity costumes!)
18th December - Candlelight Carol Service 6.30pm
25th December - Christmas Day Service 10am
20th January 2023 - Burns Night CAP Fundraiser - tickets £12 from Green Pastures.
The notice sheet for the week can be found by CLICKING HERE