Nigel has recorded his sermon from last Sunday; please click here to watch. We feel that this is a key message for our vision as a church and our future direction so please watch if you weren't in church last Sunday.
Tomorrow there is 'Breakfast 2 Gather' at 9am followed by a service at 10.30am. Prayer for the work of CAP will be via Google Meet at 7.30pm Click here for the link
We have now been 'matchfunded' by Aviva for our Crowdfunder account towards the new boilers and LED lighting. This means whatever is donated, Aviva will match, which is really good news! This offer only lasts for 30 days, so if you were thinking of donating, please do so as soon as possible. Please click on this link to see more information and donate. The next church meeting for Members will be on 16th April 2023 at 12.30. This will be our AGM. Nomination forms for Elders and Deacons are available (from me). Church Members over the age of 20, who have been members for a minimum of 12 months, are eligible for nomination. The consent of the nominee must be obtained and the nomination must be seconded. Dereham Men's Shed are sponsoring a talk by East Anglian Air Ambulance at 2pm on Wednesday 22nd February at Dereham Baptist Church. Refreshments will be served and there will be an opportunity to support the work of the Air Ambulance. All welcome. The World Day of Prayer service will be held at DBC on Friday 3rd March at 2pm. All welcome. Dencora have asked if we'd like to be part of their Easter Egg hunt/ families day on March 25th. If anyone would be willing to organise and lead this, please let me know as soon as possible. The notice sheet can be found by clicking here Every blessing, Julie