The burial service for Ruth Pimentel (family and close friends only) will be on Monday 15th May at 9.30am and the Thanksgiving Service at DBC will be in the afternoon of the 15th.
Time to be confirmed.
The men and boys are having breakfast at church this morning with Steve Legg. Thanks to Keith for organising these fantastic events.
The notice sheet can be read by clicking here
Tomorrow there will be an Early Service at 9am followed by All Age Worship at 10.30am.
Please let me know if you're willing to help on Dereham Day (13th May). There is a sign up sheet in the back hall.
Lyn Milns shared her future plans with the church meeting and you can read these by clicking here
If you know anyone who would like to do the 'Hope Explored' course, the flyer can be found here:
Message from Matt Ingle:
Our North Breckland Youth for Christ Megametre May fundraiser is kicking off soon. Please help us by donating some kilometres, and fundraising (you get a special North Breckland gift for raising over £250) or please donate to us at
Coronation Day
In just a few short weeks, we will be gathering at the Royal Albert Hall to honour our new King and celebrate the King of Kings at The Coronation Prom. We are delighted that 5,000 people will be joining us in person on the night but we know that there are thousands more who would like to join us online.