Tomorrow we have Roy Searle preaching at the 10.30 service.
At 2pm we have our first 'Open Garden' of the year - at the home of Keith & Ruth Mersh
At 7.30pm Prayer for the work of CAP will be via Google Meet: Hope Explored Course - 23rd May, 6th June and 13th June at 7pm. Flyers available from church or see Andy & Sheila Keats, Elaine Bayley, Keith Mersh or Paul Taylor for more details. Dates for your diary: For those who use the church kitchen in any way, there will be a food hygiene course on Tuesday, June 20th at 7pm. Please book in by clicking on this link Letton Hall Event - the date is Sunday July 16th and we are meeting at Letton Hall as a church family and also friends invited. More details to follow. Allergen recipe matrix sheet for homemade food items CLICK HERE to download The notice sheet for the coming week can be found by clicking here Ladies - don't forget this excellent upcoming event! Also: OPEN GARDENS AT THE CONVENT on Neatherd Moor (NR20 4AQ for Sat Navs) on Monday 29th May between midday and 5.30pm. We hope for a sunny bank holiday and invite you and your families and friends to visit our grounds at Dereham. Bring a packed lunch and enjoy a slice of homemade cake or arrive from 3pm onwards for a cream tea. Please email to book a cream tea (suggested donation of £5) so we can make enough scones! There's a special prize for the person who can name the most plants and trees in the garden. Find out more on our website or call the sisters on 01362 421442 for further details.