Tomorrow we have a service at 10.30am.
Prayer for the work of CAP will take place via Google Meet at 7.30pm.
The 'Open Garden' has been cancelled.
Thank you to all who attended the Health & Safety Training on Thursday evening; I hope you found it informative. Anyone wishing to have a copy of the notes, please let me know.
There will be an opportunity to hand out flyers and chat to people about exploring faith at Alpha, todaySaturday 16th 2.00 p.m. led by Pete Collinson starting at Nelson Place, and Wednesday 19th 2.00pm led by Dave Ward and Phil Eggleton starting from Nelson Place. The Alpha Course starts at Wellspring on Tuesday 26th September.
'Coffee Shop' will be donating all the takings on Friday, 29th September to Macmillan Cancer Support.
The Money Course starts on Thursday, 5th October. Please see the flyer for more details: Money Course Flyer
The notice sheet for the coming week can be found by clicking here
Blessings, Julie