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Saturday's News from Julie

The Palm Sunday service tomorrow will be led by Ian Gardner, with Jessica leading worship.

The notice sheet can be found by clicking here  There is a change to Monday's 'what's on' - Table Tennis will not be meeting. 

Please note: Tomorrow is the last day for leadership nominations. 

The next men's First Friday get together is on April 5 and we're planning to go 10-pin bowling at Strikes. It's £20 for 2 games, food and a drink (you can see more on their website If you're interested please contact Ian Clarke on 07711 446055. 

Dates for your diary:

Maundy Thursday Communion 6.30 please book in by clicking on this link 

Good Friday joint Dereham Churches Together service at DBC 10am followed by refreshments. Walk of Witness from the Queen Mother's Garden at 12

.Easter Sunday Sunrise Service on the Neatherd 6.15am followed by refreshments on the Moor

Easter Sunday 10.30 Easter Celebration

Holiday Club - 2-5 April (Primary-aged children) at DBC, Booking required, £10 a child

6th April - 6pm Special Induction Service for Pastor Paulo (new Portuguese-speaking congregation Pastor)

16th April Church Meeting for Members (AGM)

Message from Keith Mersh:Evangelism Team needed!Hi church - we  have a number of people wanting to investigate faith and we are making plans to run a daytime Hope Explored course in the Community Hub on Mondays starting on the 15th April. A similar group running on Wednesdays has developed, now including prayer and the introduction of worship songs on which to reflect. A real community is being built and discipled. For them this is church, with many coming closer to Jesus and asking great questions. 

We are also in the process of establishing an Ukraine Christian Fellowship on a Saturday morning.Do you have time on a Monday or Wednesday, or on Saturday mornings to help form a team of leaders and befrienders, all to help bring people closer to Christ? Please get in contact with Keith, or Julie in the office.

Please send your requests for prayer to and, other than for emergencies, we will share them in this regular email. 



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