If you missed the service on Sunday, you can view it by CLICKING HERE
If you would just like to hear Nigel's excellent sermon on our Key Verse for 2022, please CLICK HERE
If you know of anyone without the internet, please let them know that it is on the phone line 01362 709389.
The weekly prayer focus from the Eastern Baptist Association is for Hutton and Shenfield Union Church in Essex. Please CLICK HERE for the prayer points.
A reminder that there is an early service at 9am on Sunday, which is slightly more reflective, followed by an All Age Worship service at 10.30am.
If you wish to speak to me about Churchsuite, I will be available straight after the early service and until the 10.30 service starts if you wish to bring your device along.
Please see the requests for help below and the information about the upcoming CAP Money Course.
Every blessing,